Wednesday, August 7, 2019

2019 Summer

It's time for Hurulu's regular summer maintenance. Yearly engine maintenance, three month schedule of diving on her hull, yearly varnish touch up. Plus we did a few odds and ends -- replaced the head, replaced the life ring.  She's looking good, now it's time to go sailing!

Friday, April 12, 2019

2019 Spring Haulout at Svendsen's Marine

I had hauled out three years ago at Bay Marine in Richmond with great results. When it came time to haulout again, Bay Marine was gone .. they were now Svendsen's.  I decided to give them a try, and was very pleased with the results. When I haulout again in three more years, I'll be back. Hurulu is looking great.

The yard did this:

Inspected all systems
Sanded aggressively for one day to prevent paint from becoming too thick
Two coats of Trinadad Red paint

Rub and polish topsides
Painted the prop

I did this:
Powerwash everything
Clean and dry the bilge